Justin Tron’s Tpunks NFT Collectibles, aka Tron Punks, Debut on Tron Blockchain

announcement in bold colorful lettersBerlin, Germany, Aug. 30, 2021 — Since the inception of decentralized finance (DeFi), a lot of innovative projects have been created by developers, including the NFT marketplace. For those unaware, Tpunks is the world’s first NFT project on the Tron Blockchain.

In a bid to create a more engaging NFT marketplace, the team at Tpunks is pleased to announce the introduction of its NFT ecosystem. Owned by Justin Sun, Tpunks has a huge community support from Tron OGs. Tpunks or Tron Punks brings the already fractionated Tron community together. A lot of people from all walks of life are jumping into Tpunks since it is a faster and cheaper alternative to Tron.

Tpunks gives crypto enthusiasts the opportunity to participate in the crypto ecosystem without spending so much on gas fees when trading their NFTs.

Why Choose Tpunks?

Tpunks is poised to be the new foundation of the Tron Community. Here are some reasons why you should join the Tpunks bandwagon:


Intending users can see this through the partnerships being formed with the Tron Community and the support of all the Tron OGs. Since the inception of the project, the team at Tpunks has formed alliances with Tronnetworkshop and PrimoToken. In fact, the partnership with Tronnetworkshop gives users the leverage to create their merchandise using their unique ID. This means you can create a wide range of things, including shorts, T-shirts, hats, or decals with your personal Tpunk crested on it.


Tpunks is a blockchain-powered project that promises to deliver top-notch value to users. Digital content creators can create and sell their digital artworks for profits.

Lower Fees

Unlike other projects where NFTs are traded, Tpunks users can create unique shorts, T-shirts, hats and sell on the marketplace without paying so much fees.

About Tpunks

Tpunks is the world’s first NFT project on the Tron Blockchain. Owned by Justin Sun, Tpunks has a huge community support from Tron OGs. The project guarantees faster and cheaper transactions compared to its competitors on the Ethereum blockchain.

Justin Sun had two reasons for starting the Tpunks project – to enable him to practice Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) with his own dataset. The second reason was to challenge himself to make Cryptopunks interesting. There are 11 Justin, 88 zombies, 24 apes, and 9 aliens in the project.

Social links:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/tpunks_official
Telegram: https://t.me/Tpunks
Website: https://tpunks.com/