Pinata’s New Submarining Feature Enables Permissioned IPFS Content

colorful illustration of cartoon llamaOMAHA, Neb., Sept. 2, 2021 — Pinata Technologies is excited to announce the launch of “submarining”, a new feature within the product’s app that empowers users to permit access to data when storing content on IPFS for NFT files. The new feature will be available in beta to all users starting on September 2, 2021.

Pinata believes the new capability of submarining NFTs will help solve a pain point for many creators and developers who have been in need of a way to easily share and manage their content with permission access available only to authorized users that hold an NFT. This concept has not yet existed in the NFT space but has been in high demand. The new privacy controls also give users the ability to set the amount of time another person has access to a file as well, such as viewing it for an hour, day, or longer.

Pinata, an NFT media hub, launched a new feature called Submarining, giving users control access of file data shared.

Pinata chose the word “submarine” to describe the action users can take in controlling the visibility of their managed content for its whimsy and symbolic representation.

About Pinata

Pinata is the first multimedia hub for NFT creators, builders, and artists in the decentralized world of web 3. Pinata’s vision to foster a sense of place for every creator on the internet that is uniquely theirs has been the company’s goal since 2018. Building the largest pinning service on IPFS, Pinata gives users the ability to upload, manage, and share their content whenever, wherever and, with whomever they want.

For more information about Pinata and the newest capability of their solution, visit